If there’s one thing you can be sure of, it’s that things change. I’ve experienced many changes over the last few years. Moving to London for a year and then moving back again. Being pregnant and then a new Mum while we were over there. A couple more house moves. Another baby.
I have mentioned on the blog before, that I didn’t really buy any new clothes during that time. My body was changing so much that I didn’t want to spend a lot of money on clothes that may not fit me in a years time. At the start of this year, my wardrobe was getting to crisis point. Everything was several years old and nothing fit quite like it used to. I’ve been planning what I want to fill my new wardrobe with and slowly working on renewing it with a mix of store bought and hand made clothes.
I am starting to worry though that my style is a bit more ‘granny chic’ than I thought. I’ve realised I don’t really know how to dress my age. It’s been so long since I spent an afternoon wandering around clothing stores or reading a fashion magazine that I have no idea what 30-something women are wearing! I don’t even know which stores I should be looking in. Does it even matter?! I think I’m happy with the style I seem to be developing, though last time I caught up with my grandma I was eyeing off her cardigan.
What I spend my days doing has changed a lot. Running around after two boys I need to be comfy. The clothes I wore in my previous non-Mum life just don’t work for me anymore. Summer is well and truly on its way and I once again realise I have no clothes. My winter wardrobe is looking pretty healthy but my summer one needs a bit of attention. I need to make a few casual skirts. Do you have a go-to pattern for a skirt? I’d love to know!
One of my recent sewing projects was this Simplicity 2444. I think the style is pretty classic, but again, is it a bit old lady?! I think the vintage bed sheet looking poplin I used probably doesn’t help. I do love the dress and after working through a couple of muslins to get the fit pretty good I’m sure I’ll use the pattern again. I do love a cute garden party dress. Now all I need is an invitation to an actual garden party. Probably not the most practical sewing project, but I did wear it out to dinner with a bunch of other sewing bloggers so it was perfect for that!
The pattern comes together nicely and I found the sizing pretty good. I am surprised that the length of the skirt was just what I was after as I usually need to take them up. I decided to fully line the bodice and followed this tutorial to get rid of some gaping at the neckline.
I’ve also had a haircut since these photos…quite a big one. Another change! I’m usually chicken when I go to the hairdressers. My hair grows really slowly so I feel like I’ve invested a lot of time into it when it’s long. Now that I’ve cut it, I am loving it though! Much easier to look after.
I feel like I’m still in the process of transitioning into a full time Mum. Letting go of my old clothes, my old hair and embracing a new look. I hope it works and please tell me if you ever think I look like an old lady!
Constant Change is being hosted by Renee of Nearest the Pin and Jenya of While She Was Sleeping. You can pop on over here to see what Teresa from Dandelion Drift is posting today.

Renee //nearestthepin says
Your dress is amazing Abby – you looked fantastic when you wore it to our sewing bloggers dinner. Not an old lady in sight!! BUT I totally get where you are coming from with the whole mum wardrobe thing. I have such big plans to sew all the things for myself, just wish there were a few more hours in the day….. thanks so much for being part of our series 🙂
abby says
yes, more time…always need more time!
Laura says
Abby this dress is stunning and the fit is so good on you. I don’t think it’s an old lady style at all. I’m at the same point with the wardrobe full of old stuff that doesn’t fit right and you inspire me to try and change that. I think it’s great that your working out what you really like and not being influenced by what is in the shops and magazine.
abby says
thanks Laura! Can’t wait to see your wardrobe makeover!
Ms Midge says
I love this dress!!! And I adore Summer frocks! I’m having a wardrobe identity crisis myself – in that I am wondering whether an almost 40 year old should still be walking in to Dotti and Forever New and actually purchasing clothing??? But the 20 something’s working in there seem to think it’s ok, so it must be right?!?!?! xxx
abby says
I love Forever New! I think you can still shop there!
Carole says
I love it – good fit. I think in the next one if you use some contrast color like the teal blue and make a border hem or a row of funky buttons to give a modern edge? Or a colored top stitch? I’m going to try this pattern out. It would be beautiful in reds on you with your coloring. A libery print too. Broderie anglaise! I’m working on a similar shape from a vintage pattern but in a broderie anglaise in a pink top to coral skirt in a ombré effect!
abby says
I was originally going to do a colour blocked one, so I like your thinking! Liberty anything is good! Your dress sounds gorgeous.
Jenya says
The dress is beautiful Abby. The fit is great (thank you for the link to the tutorial – I needed that information). I am in the same boat when it comes to my wardrobe. Thank you for participating in our series 🙂
abby says
thanks Jenya
Mieke Jansen says
Where’s the old lady? I don’t see her. I only see a very pretty young woman in a stunning dress! And with a very recognisable story too 🙂
abby says
thanks Mieke! Yes, I’m sure all mums go through this stage with their clothes
Mirjam says
The dress looks great on you! I do regocnize your story about not knowing what to wear. At home it has to be comfy and easy to wash (!) when you look after your kids. But at work I like to ‘dress up’ a bit. But having a technical job and technical education, and therefore being surrounded with only boys / men since my 15th, I don’t realy have great examples of what to wear as a girl / woman 🙂 So what I’ve learned, is wat you say: Just find out your own style (and don’t mind what others are thinking).
abby says
comfort and washability are very high priorities!
Natalie from Sewoutnumbered says
Snap!! This dress is VERY similar to the Miss Audrey Tea Dress I just blogged – a new pattern being released next week by an Aussie designer. I love your version – not too granny at all especially if paired with heels and a clutch 😉 I definitely feel the same about my wardrobe! I want to be more daring and try new styles but don’t know where to start. Looking for any inspiration I can get at the moment!
abby says
I love the dress you just blogged! Such a classic style in my opinion.
Stephanie says
Who cares what the fashion is. Set the trend for you.
I still struggle at nearly 50 at working out what is my style, but I think I am getting there. Believe me, your body is in constant change mode, even at my age.
Wear whatever you like and are what you are comfortable in – it will show.
abby says
very true! The attitude and confidence have so much to do with it!
Stephanie says
I actually have a wonderful quote from Orson Welles (of all people) that I have written on a post it note and is stuck to the door of a cupboard in my sewing room:
“Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say and not giving a damn!”
abby says
love it!
Tania Brown says
Abby, this is one of THE best pics I’ve seen of you! I adore the dress on you, so flattering and wearable, I think if you went with a warm colour you’d pop even more. Love this, love it. I am a ‘fluffy’ Mum, as well as tall so I find I’m making my clothes so I get pant legs long enough and I can kind of tailor for my long torso etc, plus the post-5 baby belly is comfortably popped away when I’m loading and unloading, wrangling limp spaghetti preschoolers into the car!! 🙂
abby says
Thanks. Being able to tailor clothing to fit is one of the massive benefits of sewing your own clothes. Haha! Limp spaghetti preschoolers are the worst!!
Michelle says
Hi! I stumbled across your blog this evening while I was browsing for inspiration. I love this dress, you look so pretty, definitely not like an old lady :o)
I am only just learning how to sew and I look forward to the day where I could take on a project like this one.
abby says
Thanks Michelle! Keep at it sewing is such a great skill to have. I’ve been sewing for more than 20 years and I’m still learning. Thanks for stopping by.
FVITH says
I think granny chic rocks 🙂 I love your dress, plus you look like you are in your 20s, so you can totally pull it off – not old lady like at all. I am in my 30s, but probably look older due to my true mums body (i.e. my belly is so big thet stragers probably think I am pregnant, even though it has been 6 years since I last gave birth!).
I have totally run out of clothes, and haven’t wanted to buy new because I wanted to lose weight first, but Summer is upon us and I am boiling away in my winter clothes (which, btw, are mostly made up of my husbands old shirts that are oversized on me), so I went shopping, only to find that noone sells cotton clothes anymore! It looks like it’s time to start making my own before I die of heat stroke.
abby says
I have real trouble buying cotton clothes these days too. Rayon and viscose are pretty good alternatives. And bamboo is great if you can find it! Good luck on the clothing hunt! It’s so hard when you have nothing to wear but don’t really want to buy anything! Could you try thrift stores?