I’m really picky with the shape of Christmas Stockings, and I think I’ve finally settled on a shape I love. These stockings are quick and easy to make up and there is no end to the options for decorating these. They can be made from felt, burlap, Christmas fabric, velvet, old felted wool sweaters…the list goes on.
Christmas Stocking
You’ll need:
Main fabric – approx 40 x 60 cm (15.5 x 24 inches)
Fabric for cuff – 40 x 15 cm (15.5 x 6 inches)
Ribbon for hanger – 25 cm (10 inches)
Sewing supplies
First, download and print out the pattern (in landscape, actual size). Stick the 2 pieces together, matching up the lines and cut it out.
Fold your main fabric right sides together, and trace around the stocking template. Cut out the 2 pieces at the same time. If you want to cut the pieces out separately, then use the template right side up for one piece, and back side up for the other.
With right sides together, sew around the edge of the stocking, leaving the top open. Turn right side out and press flat. I have used my overlocker for this, simply because it was already out on the table. However, you do not need an overlocker for this project, a regular sewing machine is just fine.
Fold the cuff fabric in half down the length, and press. Open it out with the crease up, and line up the folded ribbon on one end, so it is to one side of the centre crease.
Fold the other end over it, with the ribbon inside. To mark where to sew the ends together, line up the folded side of the cuff with the left edge off the stocking. You will need to sew the cuff just larger than the stocking, so mark where the right edge of the stocking is on the cuff and sew the ends of the cuff together just past that line. It is hard to tell this from my picture because the cuff is not flat. Turn right side out and fold in half along the crease.
Put the cuff over the stocking, matching up the raw edges. The ribbon should be on the inside part of the cuff and on the heel side of the stocking.
Sew around the edge. Turn the cuff up and press.
To add a name to the stocking, I printed out the name using the font ‘HaloHandLetter’, size 140pt. I put the paper behind the cuff and held it up on the window to trace the name with a tailors pencil. I then used glitter fabric paint to go over the name. You could also embroider the name on with some thread.
RunningCat says
The new house has a fire place and I’m keen to make Christmas Stockings to hang. Your blog was the first place I checked for a pattern and here it is. Thanks!!
Kristin G says
Looking at the picture, I thought the name had been embroidered it was so neat, you must have one steady hand
thanks for the tutorial
thingsforboys says
thanks Kristin. I think the glitter glue is forgiving. I cannot write with icing to save my life!
Chelsea Kidd says
Am I missing something? I can’t find the pattern to download. I’ve searched the site and I’ve looked up and down the page a million times but I still can’t find it. This looks perfect (which is nice, since there are so many weirdly-shaped stocking tutorials out there). Sorry if I’m missing something super obvious!
abby says
There was a bug in the download link. It’s all fixed now!
Sandra Seidenstricker says
This looks exactly like what I’m looking for; however, I am a very new beginner. I know how to use a sewing machine but I’m still the type that has to learn by watching, pictures don’t work for me. Do you have this on YouTube?
abby says
Hi Sandra, Unfortunately, I don’t have a video for this. If you want to make it simpler, you could leave off the top band and then extend the pattern piece a little.
Jacqui says
Thank you so much for providing this. I have just made two out of polar fleece for my grandsons. I made the top part a little deeper but as you say, the shape is really pleasing and I’m very happy with my makes!
abby says
glad you liked the pattern. Thanks for your comment!
Sam says
Thank you! This pattern was very helpful. I added a few inches and combined it with instructions from this website to add a lining: http://so-sew-easy.com/christmas-stockings-tutorial/
abby says
thanks for stopping by. Glad you liked the pattern.
Mary Metzger says
I’ve tried to download and unable to. A direction is to click “Add Extension” but there isn’t a button for it.
Deb says
The pattern for the cuff seems way too wide for the stocking. Any suggestions?
abby says
the cuff will be twice as long and wide as it ends up. It only has a side seam on one side, so it’s twice the width of the stockings top. I hope that makes sense.
Christina says
When printing out the pattern you want to make sure you have your printer set to Landscape to get the full stocking. I did it on portrait and it cut the right side cuff and the heel off. I also left it to actual size, do not do printable area.
Jane Merovitz says
Thank you for this advice!!! This is where I get hung up! Not printer/computer savvy.
Laura says
What type of material works best? Does it work to double the fabric to give it more body/durability? Thank you for this pattern!
abby says
Most types of fabric will work. Quilting cottons give you a lot of options print-wise and are easy to work with. If you’d like to give it more body, you could use a double layer of fabric, or line it with some quilt batting. Lines of quilting stitching optional given its small size.