I first discovered Celina’s blog when I came across this tutorial on Pinterest. I’ve had the idea pinned for such a long time and when Laura asked me ‘What Would Celina Do?’, I knew straight away that I wanted to do some Lego stamping for my project.
This is such a simple and effective project and I’m so pleased with the result!
I didn’t have a foam brush, so just ripped the corner off a foam scrap I had. I used some Pebeo fabric paint, which I have used before (here and here). It’s awesome stuff, so vibrant and holds really well. I haven’t noticed any fading on my previous projects.
The hardest bit was deciding when to stop stamping. It looks a bit like a crumbling wall. Roman said he wants to stamp the rest, but we’ll see I used a store bought tshirt because I didn’t have the right fabric or the time to make one. This tee is the next size up for him, so it’s a little bit.
Roman wore the top for the first time yesterday while we did some baking. He’s been asking to make Hot Cross Buns…and who am I to refuse?!
They sure were good… I may have eaten 5! Oops! I’m not the only one inspired by Celina. In fact, there are a whole heap of us wondering ‘What Would Celina Do’ today. You can see what everyone else has made by clicking on the images below:
Olga Becker says
Love the shirt, Abby. My sons are playing with legos all the time. I’d bet they will loove stamping their shirts!
celina bailey says
Your t-shirt came out amazing! Oh I am going to have to try that. I love it with the stripes. I am a little shocked and speechless at the moment, but I want to thank you for taking part in this crazy series. I love and respect your style and this is really such an honor. Thank you.
Erin says
How cute is this?! Love it!
Toni-Maree says
Love it Abby, I neeeedd some fabric paint. This would look great in multiple colours hey!
Karly says
This is adorable! Love that idea!
Jane from Lil Pip says
Love love love love – I *HAVE* to do this for my son too! Adding fabric paint to the shopping list.
Jane from Lil Pip says
Where did you get the fabric paint, Abby?
abby @ thingsforboys says
I got it at Spotlight. They had a crazy sale on it ages ago so I got a lot of colours. I think they are $9 each regularly. Not the cheapest but great quality and they last ages. You could probably find them cheaper online though.
abby @ thingsforboys says
Thanks! Yes, I was thinking that when I had started stamping. Would look very cool with the traditional lego colours (blue, red, yellow, white) on black.
abby @ thingsforboys says
thanks Erin
abby @ thingsforboys says
Thanks Karly
abby @ thingsforboys says
Yes, lots of fun!
abby @ thingsforboys says
Thanks Celina! Yes, I know how you feel. I felt exactly the same when Laura pulled a suprise baby shower on me!
abby @ thingsforboys says
Thanks Olga. It’s lots of fun. I’m looking at everything around the house now to see if it would make a good stamp!
Jane says
I love this shirt, the design is awesome…aaaand now…I’m thinking about some lego stamping!
Laura says
This is so cute Abby! I love how simple it is yet there’s so many directions you could take it, such as with different colours as Toni-Maree suggested. So happy you could join in today.
Mie @ Sewing Like Mad says
I LOVE this t-shirt! And the contrast between the fabric and the stamps is just perfection.
Stephanie Lanzetti says
Oh I love this. Will have to do it for the 20 year old son – he loves Lego. Always has. Right up his alley.
abby @ thingsforboys says
thanks Jane
abby @ thingsforboys says
Thanks for putting together such a fun series!
abby @ thingsforboys says
thanks Mie
abby @ thingsforboys says
Hubby very kindly offered me some of HIS lego to do the stamping. I haven’t told him yet that the paint didn’t totally come off :O
Stephanie Lanzetti says
Trine says
How brillant is this?! I absolutely need to do some LEGO stamping asap! Living in the land of LEGO that is a musthave
Natalie @sewoutnumbered says
Love the lego print! This is now on my “to-do” list for sure
Farrah G says
Awesome idea! I bet this would be great for concealing stains as well.
Alexia says
I LOVE how this turned out! I need to try this for my son!
abby @ thingsforboys says
haha! Yes, definitely good for stains. That’s why I do most of my stamping
abby @ thingsforboys says
Thanks Alexia, it’s a lot of fun!
abby @ thingsforboys says
thanks Carla! He loves baking though it takes twice as long and makes twice the mess
abby @ thingsforboys says
thanks Natalie. It was lots of fun
Jenya says
Just one word – awesome!
abby @ thingsforboys says
just one word – thanks
Hayley@Come to the Mouse House says
This is SOOOOOO awesome!
abby @ thingsforboys says
thanks Hayley!