I have been working with Laura and Celina on something we feel is a very important message, and I’m sure you do too. Do you remember the tragedy last year when a factory in Bangladesh collapsed, killing 1133 people? People who make our clothes. Those cheap $5 tops we buy. They don’t seem like such a good deal to me anymore. Not when you realise the cost they actually take to produce.
Fashion Revolution Day says enough is enough. We want to turn this around to be a postive message. That we can do better! That sustainable and ethical fashion is within reach. Fashion Revolution have kindly let us join forces with them to help get the message out.
We are putting a handmade spin on it. One of the easiest ways for us ‘makers’ to do this, is to just keep doing what we do best…making! Make our own clothes, or our kids clothes, a hand bag, or even just a tea towel. Think about the fabrics you use and where they come from too. Re-use, recycle and upcycle where you can.
On the 24th of April, we want to create a virtual flash mob! Take a photo of yourself wearing an item of clothing inside out. Hand made? Awesome! Shop bought? That’s cool too! Camera shy? Take a pic of your kids with their clothes inside out, or even just put them on a hanger.
Want to get involved? It’s easy. Just click the button below and head over to the pledge page. We want to get everyone involved!
April 24th, share your pics using the hashtags #insideout and #handmadeinsideout. If you’ve got a blog, we’d love you to share about the pledge in a post and tell us what ethical fashion means to you. Use the title “Fashion Revolution Day: Handmade #insideout” if you can’t think of your own.
Grab the button and tell your friends about it, blog about it or spread the word however you want!

I’m so excited at the potential for change this campaign has! So tell me, are you in?!
Suzanne Seniore says
Thanks Abby! Yep I am in:)
Renee //nearestthepin says
me too 🙂
steff says
So, this something I think about but at the same time.. I’ve never heard anything about the conditions in fabric factories? Are the better? Worse? I’ve been trying to use mostly upcycled fabrics for my son’s clothes, but it’s not really an option for me when it comes to most things because the workable fabric isn’t big enough!
steff says
Oh, and I linked it up here 🙂 http://swoodsonsays.com/sew-a-long-calendar/
abby @ thingsforboys says
Thanks Suz!
abby @ thingsforboys says
Thanks Renee!
abby @ thingsforboys says
Yes, I think about this too and I fear the conditions aren’t any better. I think that doing our bit and upcycling where we can is better than nothing…if only there were more XXXXL clothes at op shops! The official FRD campaign is asking people to take pictures of their clothes and tweet the retailers asking ‘who made this’…perhaps we should be doing the same with our fabrics?!
abby @ thingsforboys says
thanks for linking up Steff!
Laura Sharp Fisher says
That’s a great idea, Abby! We should think about getting the fabric companies involved and see how receptive they are to sharing the production method…
Mirjam @ dekawear.blogspot.nl says
Great idea, I’m in! I’ll put it on my calendar and wrote about it on my blog (http://dekawear.blogspot.com/2014/03/wie-maakte-jouw-kleding-who-made-your.html) So, now I have to join 😉
abby @ thingsforboys says
thanks for sharing the cause and signing up Mirjam!
Natalie @sewoutnumbered says
I’m definitely in! This is such an important issue and a great campaign. I just tried to add your button onto my sidebar but couldn’t get it to work. It could be me being technically challenged – just wondering if anyone else had the same problem? Thanks Abby!
Natalie @sewoutnumbered says
Got it to work! Sorry – don’t know what I did the first time 😉
abby @ thingsforboys says
glad you got it working Natalie and thanks for sharing the message!