I love the concept of the Perfect Pattern Parcel. It’s a semi-regular pattern bundle that supports indie PDF pattern designers AND supports a children’s charity. There’s a twist too… A good one, not a stupid pointless one like a reality TV show. You get to name your price! You can choose what you think the bundle is worth and that’s what you pay. So what’s in this first parcel, you ask?
Parcel #1 has these 5 patterns. A great mix of patterns for all occasions. I’m really looking forward to making all of them up.
There have been quite a few versions made up on the tour and a lot have featured some colour blocking. I’ve loved the result, so decided to play with using a different fabric for the front of my top.
The Summer Concert Tee was a nice quick sew, though I did need to unpick the neckband and re-do it. I think I over stretched it a bit because it was all wavy and ugly. To be on the safe side, I cut the new neckband 2″ longer. I added 3″ to the front of the top too. I’m quite happy for my belly to never see the light of day. I think the fabric I used might be a little too heavy-weight, because it doesn’t hang as nicely as others I’ve seen. It could also be because I used a stretch knit. Either way, I would like to try this out again with another fabric.
Click the image below to buy the parcel. Hurry though, the sale ends tomorrow. There’s also a giveaway going on as part of the tour. You can find all the details here.

Joining in the fun: One Little Minute / SeamstressErin Designs / One Girl Circus / casa crafty / the quirky peach / Kadiddlehopper / Sew Caroline / Groovybabyandmama / Fishsticks Designs / the Brodrick blog / verypurpleperson / sew a straight line / Adventures in Dressmaking / true bias / Idle Fancy / La Pantigana / Crafterhours / Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy Crafts / Max California / YoSaMi / la inglesita / Diary of a Chainstitcher / four square walls / Lauren Dahl / Sewbon / mingo & grace / Dandelion Drift / VeryShannon / Sanae Ishida / buzzmills / Sew Jereli / Figgy’sFroo & Boo / a happy stitch / Disaster in a Dress / Things for Boys / mama says sew / sew Amy sew / Sew Busy Lizzy / Made With Moxie / imagine gnats
Ros says
Looks great! Love the blue & coral colours together.
Renee //nearestthepin says
These colours look great on you Abby!
abby @ thingsforboys says
Thanks Renee! I have a whole roll of the stripey fabric, so everyone in the house has pjs from it too!
abby @ thingsforboys says
thanks for inviting me. Such a great concept!
abby @ thingsforboys says
thanks Ros
Alisa @ A Stitch in Between says
I love this version.. could have something to do with it being my favorite colors? 🙂 It looks great!
abby @ thingsforboys says
thanks Alisa!
Jenya says
Such happy bright colours 🙂
Jill @ Made with Moxie says
I’m in love with your Summer Concert Tee. So simple and easy for all summer long. Thanks so much for sewing with us. We appreciate it so much.
Olga Becker says
How cute are you! Looks so comfy, perfect for summer. 🙂
Erin says
Super cute! I love the color blocking!