Woohoo, boys week!! How could I not join in the fun for the boys Perfect Pattern Parcel tour?! If you haven’t heard of the Perfect Pattern Parcel, then let me tell you all about it. It’s a fabulous collection of patterns on sale together for a limited time and you get to name your price! All profits from the parcel sales go to charity.

This is the 4th Pattern Parcel collection and it includes: Maxwell Top by Shwin Designs, Zippy Jacket by Blank Slate Patterns, Schoolboy Vest by Sew Much Ado, Small Fry Jeans by Titchy Threads, Jet Pack Bag by Betz White. Choose to pay $26 or higher for the parcel and you also get the bonus pattern, the Knight Hoodie by Charming Doodle.
I decided to sew up the Knight Hoodie to show you as I knew Roman would love it. I have also sewn up the Small Fry Skinny Jeans twice before. You can take a look at them here and here.
I am starting to feel the warmer weather coming, so I decided to size up and make it to fit for next winter. I made the size 5 and it seems pretty true to size. Roman currently wears size 3 or 4 tops, so it’s got a bit of growing room. I couldn’t get ribbing in the same colour as the sweatshirt fleece, so I went with a contrasting colour and decided to line the hood to match.
I added in seam pockets as I am terrible at trying to get those kangaroo pockets to match up on either side of a zip! I also put some lines of top stitching on the hood armour piece to make it a little more knightly. My 30yo brother has since seen the hoodie and decided he wants one too! Boys, they never grow up!

Here at Perfect Pattern Parcel, we believe in supporting independent pattern designers. It’s our opinion that indie patterns are just, well, better than big box patterns, and we’re pretty sure our customers think so too. So, we allow customers to show their support in naming their own price for each Parcel. We also encourage customers to allocate part of their Parcel price to the charity Donorschoose.org in order to help classrooms in need. Pattern Parcel donates all profits after expenses from Parcel sales to the charity as well. Together we’ve raised $9,800 towards eliminating educational inequality.
Parcel #4 Inspiration Tour Schedule:
Friday, August 22 – casa crafty || Lulu & Celeste || Keep Calm and Carrion
Saturday, August 23 – Max California || Amanda Rose
Sunday, August 24 – little betty sews
Monday, August 25 – Kadiddlehopper || Radiant Home Studio
Tuesday, August 26 – La Pantigana || Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy Crafts || Friends Stitched Together
Wednesday, August 27 – Make It Perfect || Modern Handmade || GYCT Designs
Thursday, August 28 – Needle and Ted || Mae & K || Mimi’s Mom
Friday, August 29 – Pienkel || Once Upon a Sewing Machine || Friends Stitched Together
Saturday, August 30 – FABulous Home Sewn || Gray Skies || The Crazy Tailor
Sunday, August 31 – Nine Stitches || Max California || Oliver’s Fancy || Friends Stitched Together
Monday, September 1 – a happy stitch || lady and the gents || Our Family Four || Swoodson Says
Tuesday, September 2 – verypurpleperson || Things for Boys || The Crazy Tailor
Wednesday, September 3 – Our Family Four || Rebekah Sews || a happy stitch
Thursday, September 4 – Sew a Straight Line || la inglesita || Made by Sara || Knot Sew Normal
Friday, September 5 – Knot Sew Normal || Gracious Threads || Sofilantjes || Max California
Jane says
this is so fantastic!! love it!
abby says
thanks Jane!
Toni-Maree says
Awesome job Abby! I love that colour on Roman. Where did you snag the lovely sweatshirt fabric? These pictures are just gorgeous. 🙂
abby says
thanks Toni-Maree! He looks great in any shade of blue. The fabric is actually from Spotlight, it’s just their platinum fleece. I’m not sure how well it will hold up since it’s a poly/cotton blend, but we shall see!
Olu says
Your knight hoodie works really well in blue and grey, and so neatly done. I particularly like the top stitching on the hood armor and the lined hood.
I know what you mean about the pockets my first one was way out but I had better luck second time round.
abby says
I’ve only tried the pockets once, they were so crooked I’m too scared to try again! :O
Mel says
A knight hoodie, how awesome. Your little knight looks adorable in it. My little knight needs one, I’m just not sure I can make it or not. If not his Nanna can do it 🙂 so cute.
abby says
It’s pretty straight forward. It’s just a basic hoodie with a few extra bits sewn on that make it look awesome! The most technical bit is adding the zip.
Jill || Made with Moxie & Pattern Parcel says
Oh my blue eyes! You’ve got a heart slayer right there, Abby! <3 Great hoodie.
abby says
hehe, thanks Jill! Both the boys have the most amazing blue eyes! So glad they got them off their Dad and didn’t end up with my muddy grey/brown/green eyes.
Natalie from Sewoutnumbered says
This is so cool!! I’ve been eyeing this pattern off for a while as it’s something a bit different just for the boys – clearly the big boys love it too haha!
abby says
Yes, I think there’s an adult version of the pattern in the making. I think that will be very popular indeed!!
Natalie from Sewoutnumbered says
I just saw that yesterday and thought of you! haha
Jenya says
Absolutely gorgeous!
abby says
thanks Jenya!
Jill says
This is so good! I especially like the extra top stitching on the hood armor. I’m just getting started with my son’s Knight Hoodie, and will totally add that. Nice job!
abby says
thanks Jill! Yes, I think the topstitching on the hood armour makes it even more knightly.
Laura says
This looks amazing Abby! That is such a lovely shade of blue and Roman looks adorable in it.
abby says
thanks Laura!